Friday, June 28, 2013

Granny Halter and Deer Hugs


Oh, you addictive, little granny triangles...  What else can we do?  These little triangles were transformed very quickly into a sweet halter for Sweet P.  I felt like it was a tad short for her, so I went back and added a row of shell border to the bottom and it did much better.   I kind of think she's starting to like my creations.  I can only hope. 
 Oh, that reminds me...  Young Man actually ASKED me if I would make him a new sweater for Christmas this year!!!  Good golly, each time I think of it I'm filled with elation.  My tween, of all the things he could ask for, wants a crocheted sweater?!  He's very smart, though.  This could be a tactic.  You know, as in, 'hey, if I can get mom so over excited about my wanting her to crochet me something, she might just be excited enough to throw in a new ipad...' 
I don't know.  He's a good kid.  I'm just sayin'.
So since I'm still hooked on making triangles, it looks like there may be a whole new blankie made up of them in a very soft, beachy, color scheme.  More to come.
Have you hugged a deer lately?  I am over-the-top in love with this critter.  Ok, I get carried away about almost any critter I come in contact with, but this deer was amazing!  My family raised a deer when I was a kid and it's such a wonderful experience to be around a (should be/kind of still is) wild animal that you wouldn't normally be able to be so close to.  It was super special that my little people were able to visit with this sweet girl.  Oh, and when you have a chance to hug a deer, please make sure you work in the lecture on the benefits of NOT drinking soda.  Very important.
Ah, summer.  Finally, we are able to relax a bit and enjoy the yard and the kids.  Well, the yard has been work, but more on that later.  The kids are enjoying being outside and when the heat gets to be too much, we come in,  flop down and read something good.  The Homeschool Mom part of me is still somewhat in panic mode trying to grasp the reality that we don't have anything we HAVE to do...  Simply enjoy our books and puzzles.  I'm reprogramming myself.  I should be good to go by the time school starts again.
I'm finding that if you pour anything (like Moscato) over fruit in a Ball jar and throw in a handful of mint, you can't go wrong.  I had a moment when I was longing for one of those lovely glass decanters you see in all the big stores and magazines...  You know, the really fat ones with a spout?  But then I remembered when you have a canning jar you really don't need much else. 
Also, I'm very happy to report that Sam the Budgie is thriving!   We did have one small incident with a solar system model in Young Man's room.  Fortunately, we don't believe in letting him fly alone, so we were there to pull him out of the stars unharmed.
Have a happy day!
Thanks for stopping by the Hearth Room!



Friday, June 14, 2013

Granny Bunting Triangles Can Lead To...


Oh, it is nice to have yarn time...  It's so enjoyable to have a break from the routine, isn't it? 
While heading off to visit the beach I decided it was time to make another blanket, but this time with water and sand inspired colors.  However, another armful of very colorful yarn happened to get tossed into the bag, too.  I'm so glad it did, because as I was finally able to do some catch-up reading in blogland, I found that Lucy was wanting some Granny Bunting Triangles made up for Yarndale.  Oh how I would love to visit that festival!  But at least maybe I can ship a few pieces of bunting over and feel that I was a teeny, tiny part of it all. 
Anyway, after making a few triangles I couldn't resist the urge to make some up for a bikini.  Now, I would not be at all interested in wearing a bikini, but making them seemed like a great idea!  So I scaled down the hook and size and set off on a much smaller triangle.  It was great fun and seemed to fly off the hook!  It's so much fun to just make something up as you go.  So I have now finished this one and can't wait to start another. 
So the Granny Bunting Triangles led me to a bikini top and that ended up becoming a sweet little halter.  I'll be back to share the end result!  Now I'm off to start the next and ponder the making of some matching bottoms...
Just a note:  These triangles are seriously addictive.  Try a few!  I added some picot edging to a couple and a flower to one.  They have so much personality.  Gin:  I seriously recommend you make some bunting!  I'm so excited you've picked up a hook!
Happy Friday to you all!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lessons I've Been Learning

I remember that I had decided that journaling daily, (whether here or on paper), would be good for me.   I guess I have some catching up to do.

It's been busy as usual here at the Hearthroom.  Well, maybe a tad more than usual.  I know there have been many days when I thought about journaling, but honestly didn't have the time or energy to upload pics and look through them.  I can't even believe this part myself, but I have completed some very lovely crochet makes that I normally would have run and taken a picture of immediately, but even that didn't happen.  Aghast!  What's wrong with me, I say.

For one, the end of the school year, which I desperately wanted to be over. 

"Young Man, please, please, please, help me knock this out this week!"  Of course, I can simply beg and plead, but the truth is he does great work and some things shouldn't be rushed.  Then I was hit by some kind of horrible cold/virus thing that knocked me off my feet for a few days, but left me whining and droopy for about 10.  When that went away, it seemed to leave me with a nice, exhausting cough that I'm not sure is done yet. 

Just a note:  Dear Hubby is blaming me, (yep, completely blaming me...), for being sucked into a game called The Heist that I happened to get as a free app on my phone for using my Starbucks card.  You know how this modern technological world works...  Anyway, it's a great game if you like puzzles and some of them really push the limits and stretch the synapses (if that's really a word...).  The point is, I didn't force him to put the game on his phone.   I don't make him stay up at night driving himself crazy to solve a sudoku type of puzzle.  Besides, I've been doing a lot of reading,(see this book by Dr. Barnard), about brain health, and there is quite a bit of discussion on the topic of puzzles exercising one's brain.  Come on, Hubby...  I'm really doing you a favor.  Besides, I cooked you kale and put lemon juice on it and sneak loads of other "good for your brain" foods into your day.  I think you you should be happy and frankly, by now, loads smarter...  :)

Oh, back to the previous 2 months.  Yes, crochet happened.  I'll need to take those pics and post some time. 

I've also been away with Hubby to a meeting in New Hampshire, which was great fun to share with the kids.  I've always loved NH and it's been years since I was there.  They were having those late, spring snows and it was nice to see covered bridges in the snow and the last of the skiers working in a few late season runs. 

Then the grandfolks really threw me for a loop over the past few months and definitely taxed my brain cells, drained me emotionally, and pulled on the heartstrings.  All in all, that situation has calmed down tremendously, but I expect more uncharted territory ahead.  I'm learning more about dementia than I ever expected.  It's really such a challenge for everyone involved.  If you know me, you know how I adore those grandparents of mine.  I would go to the ends of the earth to help them out, but at this point I just wish my efforts could be either remembered in a positive way or at least understood as me trying to be helpful and carryout their wishes.  That's another post, totally. 

I'm currently sitting outside using the laptop and it is about 10:30 p.m.  I find it funny and fascinating that bugs are flying to the screen.  I always find humor in little things.  And then Young Man pipes in with something about our cat and fire and I realize he's just using an app on my phone to alter a picture...  I can't keep up.  And I wonder why I'm so tired at the end of the day...
World record for longest candy counter:  Chutters in NH. 

Lovely covered bridge in Littleton, NH. 

Little girls can dress themselves, wear lovingly made hats backwards, and sit out on the courtyard wall to wait for Daddy.
Yes, she is wearing shorts with a winter coat and hat.  For the record:  It was very warm out. 

I can only pray that both of these sweet ladies will have happy memories of the other.

Bowling is fun at any age!

Life needs strong jolts of color.  Often.

Kids are always so excited to find the first sluggish, spring toads.

Landscaping can change everything. 
(More to come here...)

Not all spider webs give me the creeps after this.
However, Gin's spider episode would still have me running!

This is my most favorite squash ever!

My children did not hatch from these eggs.

Hubby can suture Nemo back together.  He's talented in so many ways.

I did manage to take a picture of this book I recently discovered at the library.  I loved the projects in this one soooo much I didn't want to forget it.  I should have thought to ask for this as a birthday gift!  I guess it's not too late...

This flying geese sculpture reminds me of the time I spent with my grandfather this spring.  He has always been an outdoors man.  I can hear him now making goose or duck calls.  This sculpture was spinning in the wind very slowly and elegantly, and it reminded me so much of my grandfather.  And spending a good bit of time with him confirmed for me that boys will be boys at any age.  When doing his laundry I didn't think to check his pockets.  I just didn't...  He's been around a long time and I know him to be a very responsible man.  And as I pulled his laundry out of the wash to dry, I was left with a washer full of nuts and bolts and other hardware things I can't identify.  I just thought that was cute, really. 

Young Man has a new pet.   Yep.  His name is Sam and we have a dog and three cats.  The week before Sam arrived, Young Man's cat, ( not my cat....) brought a dove into the kitchen, ( I shooed them out, dumped water on the cat and the dove got away.  I hope it survived.), brought home a rabbit the next day, and threw up a cardinal in the basement later the same week.  He more recently killed a baby copperhead.  That said, it has added a fun new dynamic to the household to love all pets equally, spend time with them, and keep them alive.  So far, so good.  I think we have a great plan, but there will be NO room for error. 
This little princess had a birthday and it was fun to see her excitement. 

We chose to give her a pony swing and it has been a great hit!
Young Man had a birthday, too.  His birthday took place right in the middle of that virus - at the point that I could barely get out of bed.  Somehow, we made it very memorable for him.  It took a lot of ibuprofen, but we did it.  Did I mention Hubby had the virus, too?  And he actually took Young Man canoeing.  Good man, that Hubby.
In the end, I'm truly so thankful that the kids did not get sick, my grandparents are doing well and are settled at home, and our school year is really, officially DONE!  We have an achievement test to take, but that's it. 
Ah, I think I can look forward to a little slower pace now.  Less routine, more relaxed time with the kids.  More yarn, (much more yarn!), lots of sweet tea, and all the brain food we can handle. 
For now, we are spending some time at the beach with the little people and look forward to every minute of watching them run and splash and discover all things oceanic.  That should get me back into my picture taking groove.
I'm now going to spend some highly anticipated time catching up on YOUR blogs that I love to read and be inspired by.  I've really missed my time here in blogland. 

I love your comments...