Sunday, November 13, 2011

An Historical Adventure

Not that our adventure was historical by any means, but rather that history was our adventure. 
 I just LOOOVE going back in time (you know what I mean).  Visiting places of importance and trying to get just a glimpse of what it was like, what it felt like for the very people who lived in that place, at that time, making monumental and trivial decisions alike.  

Did we walk in the very footsteps of George Washington or Martha? 
What little children really slept in that little wooden bed frame on the floor?

And isn't that an idea that could be considered here in our home?  Instead of enclosing our littles into cage like cribs, providing a safe little bed low to the floor where they can easily curl up when tired or step out when ready.  Deserves further thought at least...

As promised, a few of our favorite memories from Mt. Vernon

 It just needs to be experienced.  I only wish that you could have longer to tour, time to linger.  I wish the tour was a little more informative.  I know it's one of the most visited places in our country and they have so many people to accommodate, but I just wish there was more.

Of course not everyone ponders the same things that I do, and then there are many who are much more thoughtful about things than I, but I would love to be able to just sit quietly in these rooms.  I would love to have more time to look at mouldings and trims, paint colors and woodwork, the furniture...  To imagine the people walking through this home performing daily activities.  To have the time to envision what it was like to sit in these rooms, at the dining table or at Mr. Washington's desk, all by candlelight.

Not to mention the beauty that surrounds.  You really should visit.

And as I sit here, Hubby grumbling in the background about gloves that are absent from the Hearthroom's hearth (because I put the filthy things out into the garage, of course)...  I am pulled back to reality.  I'm enjoying a really rich cup of coffee as I write this.  A wonderfully thoughtful person gave a bit of Ugandan coffee to dear Hubby for us to try.  It really is a wonderful treat.  Even if it is accompanied by a Tootsie Roll.

The trick or treating stash is really ridiculous this year.  Young Man does not devour candy like some, so that really isn't such a worry.  It's my addiction to Tootsie Rolls that seems to only occur at this time of year, every year.  That's my concern.  At least I have a good cup of coffee to go with it.

And as it's Harry Potter Weekend on TV, I am totally comforted by familiar sounds, music, and voices from these movies that I will leave on for the duration.  Even though I have seen these movies more times than I can count, I love the familiarity of them.  I know, it's a simple thing, but there you go.  I adore the story. 
 The whole 7 book, 8 movie thing, deleted scenes and all. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! So warm and familiar yet not as well. :) Its an espresso for me with the HP movies, and hubby refinished the old wood stove and has a log in it today. The good ol's. :)


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